Many scenarios in 2020 seem like they were taken from an apocalyptic movie. We’re not talking about the fires, the earthquakes, the armored confrontations – though they could fit the description. We’re referring to the spread of a dangerous new illness, paralyzing large parts of the world as well as the global economy. It can sometimes feel like the change brought on by COVID-19 is overwhelming and overpowering, like there is nothing we can do to stop the virus from spreading – but that’s not true.
We have the tools to stop the spread: we can wash our hands, wear face masks, and social distance. Each of these techniques is useful in the fight against the virus.
Hand washing is extremely effective against the coronavirus. The soap neutralizes the virus’ membrane, rendering it inactive. The consistency of the soap allows other harmful germs to wash away with the water as well. Hand washing is effective as long as it’s done properly and at key times. We’ve compiled a list of the proper hand movements that need to be carried out while hand washing, and a list of the times it’s recommended to wash your hands throughout the day.
Wearing face masks can be considered a controversial topic. It’s not always comfortable to wear face masks – it’s hot, itchy, and often unpleasant. However, it is important. You are 75% less likely to transmit the coronavirus to others while wearing a face mask. Others in your community could be immune-deficient, or at risk due to diabetes and other illnesses, and wearing a face mask can help keep them safe.
Social distancing is a concept many have a hard time wrapping their minds around. We are social creatures, we live in groups, and interact with one another as a basic way of life. However, right now, keeping a safe 2-meter distance from one another is optimal – yes, even when standing in line. Modern technology has made social distancing easier than ever before. Online shopping, even for groceries, has become easier and common, and helps diminish the risk of infection by limiting the need to be around other people. Interactions can take on different shapes and forms than in the past. Having a zoom meeting with your friends or coworkers can help ease the loneliness the situation has created in place of the usual “coffee break”.
We are not helpless in the face of this pandemic. We have the power to comply with these new regulations and help stop the spread of the coronavirus. If we pay enough attention to these key elements, we can get through these trying times. – By Ofir Broides, Soapy
Depuis décembre 2019, le monde est confronté à un nouveau défi : le virus COVID-19. Depuis le début de cette crise sanitaire, la recommandation la plus répétée et la plus constante de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé et du Centre de contrôle des maladies a été de se laver les mains à intervalles réguliers. En tant que fournisseur de solutions d’hygiène intelligentes, il est de notre devoir de contribuer à cette tâche essentielle et de partager nos connaissances sur la meilleure façon de pratiquer une hygiène régulière des mains.
Mais le simple fait de se laver les mains avec du savon agit sur deux fronts contre le coronavirus, en brisant la cassure lipidique autour du virus (ce qui paralyse sa capacité à infecter), et en rendant les mains glissantes afin que les germes puissent être facilement éliminés par lavage. Les micro-stations d’hygiène Soapy peuvent contribuer à stopper la propagation du COVID-19 et littéralement sauver des vies en garantissant aux utilisateurs un lavage facile et efficace – la bonne quantité de savon, d’eau et la bonne durée, à chaque cycle de lavage.
Alors que tout le monde s’adapte aux “nouvelles normes” et aux exigences croissantes en matière d’hygiène, nous fournirons sur cette page les informations les plus pertinentes, utiles et pratiques concernant la prévention de la COVID-19. Pour toute demande de renseignements et d’informations complémentaires, vous pouvez nous contacter.
Desde diciembre de 2019 el mundo ha tenido que enfrentarse a un nuevo desafío: el virus COVID-19. Desde el comienzo de esta crisis sanitaria, la recomendación más repetida y consistente de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y el Centro de Control de Enfermedades ha sido lavarse las manos a intervalos regulares. Como proveedor de soluciones inteligentes de higiene, es nuestro deber ayudar en esta tarea crítica y compartir nuestro conocimiento de cómo practicar mejor la higiene de las manos con regularidad.
Pero el simple acto de lavarse las manos con jabón funciona contra el coronavirus en dos frentes, rompiendo la caja lipídica alrededor del virus (paralizando su capacidad de infección), y haciendo las manos resbaladizas para que los gérmenes puedan ser fácilmente lavados. Las microestaciones de higiene Soapy pueden ayudar a detener la propagación de COVID-19 y, literalmente, a salvar vidas al asegurar que los usuarios obtengan un lavado fácil y eficaz: la cantidad adecuada de jabón, agua y duración, con cada ciclo de lavado.
Mientras todos se adaptan a los “nuevos requisitos de higiene normales” y crecientes, en esta página proporcionaremos la información más relevante, útil y práctica sobre la prevención de COVID-19. Para cualquier consulta y para obtener información adicional, puede comunicarse a través de la página de Contacto.